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发表于 2015-8-13 21:18:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
巴基斯坦论坛:不会让中国兄弟绝望,歼31踢爆印度人歼31中国卖歼31战机,谁会买?歼-31(英文:Shenyang J-31,中国代号:鹘鹰),是中国航空工业集团公司沈阳飞机工业团体公司(简称:沈飞)研制的第四代(亦称第五代)双发中型隐形战斗机,采用双发、单座、固定双斜垂尾、蚌式进气道。该机将与中国重型隐形战斗机歼-20造成高低搭配,并且拟推出隐形战机出口型号,还有发展为替代歼15战役机的新一代隐形舰载战斗机的潜力。来 自 西 陆 军 事 http://www.xilu.comAmmyy(印度)They are trying to sell with old engine, biggest draw back of this aircraft.他们试图搭配旧引擎来卖,这是该飞机的最大毛病ulman Badshah(巴基斯坦)RD engine is being used in prototype only final product will have new engine样机才用那种引擎,终极产品将搭载新引擎AsianUnion(巴基斯坦)Pakistan will never let its Chinese brothers down, and will do everything to make Chinese Defence and Military industry successful.PAK 回流焊冰水机FC-31 or J-31 Stealth Fighter will kick Indians anytime anywhere.Pakistan should buy and mass produce this J-31 in PAC a水加热器fter 2020 timeline This is one hell of stealth jet along with J-20s, both China and Pakistan will rip Indians as they have always done in the past.巴基斯坦永远不会让中国兄弟失望的,将全力以赴让中国国防军产业取得成功无论何时何地,歼31隐形战机都能踢爆印度人巴基斯坦应当购置歼31并在2020年最后期限之后大范围出产。歼31和歼20都是出色的隐形战机。BoQ77(越南)Instead of this, buy Sukhoi Su-35.Never have to say Sorry买这个,还不如买苏-35呢千万别让自己懊悔BoQ77(越南)Make sure you buy the aircrafts those are useful in their own airforce确保购买的战性能在本国空军派上用途thepakistaniJ31 Air frame design is superior to f35..needs better engines probably ws13 ..to out perform single legged most expensive ill hatched f35.You never know chaina might be heaviest boxer of the word in future ..bases can be assessed.歼31的气型设计比F35更进步,就是需要搭载更好的发动机,可能是ws13发念头吧,能力超越昂贵的F35战机你永远不会知道中国将来会是世界上最重量级的拳击手(乌克兰)i don t doubt j-31 because china has invested around $100 billion in engine technology and after all they are not fools who will waste money..我不猜忌歼31的性能,由于中国已经在引擎技巧上投入大概1000亿美元。究竟他们不是只会挥霍钱的傻瓜Rain(巴基斯坦)who can enlighten us about real abilities if china s Defense Products?Indians do not like Made in China stuff, that understood,US has its own issues, so that is also outWe must remember that when whole world downgraded USSR made equipment s, many countries bought them and used them with success in many conflicts.谁能劝导下,中国国防产品的真正性能到底如何?印度人不喜欢中国货,这可以理解记住,当全世界鄙视苏联的武器装备时,很多国家不也洽购了,而且在许多抵触中带来了出色表示cnl德州电加热导热油锅炉eio(中国)Not that right, bro. China smart phone- XiaoMi s模温机的模温作用ell very well in India, Indian also like Made in China lol. They dislike China on mouth but love Made in China in action兄弟,错误。小米智能机在印度卖得很好,印度人不也爱好中国货,哈哈。他们只是嘴巴上不喜欢中国,身材倒是诚实ChineseTiger1986(中国)China s first priority is to develop the WS-15, once that is done, then to develop the WS-17 will become a piece of cake.中国的首要义务是研发ws-15动员机。一旦成功,那么研发ws-17发动机就是小菜一碟了Derolo(印度)J-31 is atleast 5 years away from entering PLAAF as part of a fully operational squadron.J-20 which will be china specific should enter in 3-4 squadron strength level.I don t see any country bu卡板箱ying J-31 before 2020.F-35 will be then in servic南京塑料托盘e across the globe.u-50 would be a major part of the Russian air force and single squadron strength in IAF.歼31离加入巴基斯坦空军至少有5年的时光2020年之前,我没有看到有哪个国家会买歼31的到时候,F-35已经是满天飞了BoQ77(越南)Even China still follow the deal of Su-35.o order Su-35 is the good deal. It s proven aircraft. And cheap.J-31 is unproven aircraft, leave it some times for doing that in PLA AF before any order.就连中国也想买苏-35所以买苏-35不错,苏-35已经是被证实成功的战机,而且便宜歼31未经由考验。订购之前,巴基斯坦空军还需要一些时间来察看Kaniska(印度)Of course Pakistan and Bangladesh and who else..might be Sri Lanka will buy it they are potential customer for China..当然是巴基斯坦和孟加拉国会买,要不然还会有谁。兴许斯里兰卡也会买,他们是中国的潜在客户Winchester(巴基斯坦)The Chinese Air Force will be the biggest customero it can do even without the export ordersPakistan will surely go for itome countries in South Americaalso Egypt is a potential customerCan t see U.S.A providing them with the same level of tfamous brand water cooled chiller and freezerech as they have provided the Israelis中国空军是最大的客户即便不出口订单也行巴基斯坦肯定会买就是了还有南美的一些Double Compressor Type screw industrial chiller国度埃及也是潜在客户BoQ77(越南)If J-31 is a good aircraft, it would create its own market.But it need proving the ability first.歼31是不错的战机,可能建破起属于自己的市场不外得先证明自己的能力BoQ77(越南)China is clever. They want others to pay for their development phase and prototypes.o they tried marketing even incomplete equipment.always.中国事聪慧的,他们愿望其他国家为他们的研发用度和样机买单所以他们甚至用不完整的设备来试水市场
中國賣殲31戰機,誰會買?殲-31(英文:Shenyang J-31,中國代號:鶻鷹),是中國航空工業集團公司沈陽飛機工業集團公司(簡稱:沈飛)研制的第四代(亦稱第五代)雙發中型隱形戰鬥機,采取雙發、單座、固定雙斜垂尾、蚌式進氣道。該機將與中國重型隱形戰鬥機殲-20构成高下搭配,並且擬推出隱形戰機出口型號,還有發展為替换殲15戰鬥機的新一代隱形艦載戰鬥機的潛力。來 自 西 陸 軍 事 http://www.xilu.comAmmyy(印度)They are trying to sell with old engine, biggest draw back of this aircraft.他們試圖搭配舊引擎來賣,這是該飛機的最大缺點ulman Badshah(巴基斯坦)RD engine is being used in prototype only final product will have new engine樣機才用那種引擎,最終產品將搭載新引擎AsianUnion(巴基斯坦)Pakistan will never let its Chinese brothers down, and will do everything to make Chinese Defence and Military industry successful.PAK FC-31 or J-31 Stealth Fighter will kick Indians anytime anywhere.Pakistan should buy and mass produce this J-31 in PAC after 2020 timeline This is one hell of stealth jet along with J-20s, both China and Pakistan will rip Indians as they have always done in the past.巴基斯坦永遠不會讓中國兄弟扫兴的,將竭盡全力讓中國國防軍工業獲得成功不论何時何地,殲31隱形戰機都能踢爆印度人巴基斯坦應該購買殲31並在2020年最後期限之後大規模生產。殲31跟殲20都是杰出的隱形戰機。BoQ77(越南)Instead of this, buy Sukhoi Su-35.Never have to say Sorry買這個,還不如買蘇-35呢千萬別讓自己後悔BoQ77(越南)Make sure you buy the aircrafts those are useful in their own airforce確保購買的戰機能在本國空軍派上用处thepakistaniJ31 Air frame design is superior to f35..needs better engines probably ws13 ..to out perform single legged most expensive ill hatched f35.You never know chaina might be heaviest boxer of the word in future ..bases can be assessed.殲31的氣型設計比F35更先進,就是需要搭載更好的發動機,可能是ws13發動機吧,才干超出昂貴的F35戰機你永遠不會晓得中國未來會是世界上最分量級的拳擊手(烏克蘭)i don t doubt j-31 because china has invested around $100 billion in engine technology and after all they are not fools who will waste money..我不懷疑殲31的性能,因為中國已經在引擎技術上投入大約1000億美元。畢竟他們不是隻會浪費錢的傻瓜Rain(巴基斯坦)who can enlighten us about real abilities if china s Defense Products?Indians do not like Mad珠海私家侦探e in China stuff, that understood,US has its own issues, so that is also outWe must remember that when whole world downgraded USSR made equipment s, many countries bought them and used them with success in many conflicts.誰能開導下,中國國防產品的真正机能到底如何?印度人不喜歡中國貨,這能够懂得記住,當全世界鄙視蘇聯的兵器裝備時,許多國傢不也采購瞭,而且在許多沖突中帶來瞭精彩表現cnleio(中國)Not that right, bro. China smart phone- XiaoMi sell very well in India, Indian also like Made in China lol. They dislike China on mouth but love Made in China in action兄弟,不對。小米智能機在印度賣得很好,印度人不也喜歡中國貨,哈哈。他們隻是嘴巴上不喜歡中國,身體倒是老實ChineseTiger1986(中國)China s first priority is to develop the WS-15, once that is done, then to develop the WS-17 will become a piece of cake.中國的重要任務是研發ws-15發動機。一旦成功,那麼研發ws-17發動機就是小菜一碟瞭Derolo(印度)J-31 is atleast 5 years away from entering PLAAF as part of a fully operational squadron.J-20 which will be china specific should enter in 3-4 squadron strength level.I don t see any country buying J-31 before 2020.F-35 will be then in service across the globe.u-50 would be a major part of the Russian air force and single squadron strength in IAF.殲31離参加巴基斯坦空軍至少有5年的時間2020年之前,我沒有看到有哪個國傢會買殲31的到時候,F-35已經是滿天飛瞭BoQ77(越南)Even China still follow the deal of Su-35.o order Su-35 is the good deal. It s proven aircraft. And cheap.J-31 is unproven aircraft, leave it some times for doing that in PLA AF before any order.就連中國也想買蘇-35所以買蘇-35不錯,蘇-35已經是被證明胜利的戰機,而且廉价殲31未經過考驗。訂購之前,巴基斯坦空軍還须要一些時間來觀察Kaniska(印度)Of course Pakistan and Bangladesh and who else..might be Sri Lanka will buy it they are potential customer for China..當然是巴基斯坦和孟加拉國會買,要不然還會有誰。也許斯裡蘭卡也會買,他們是中國的潛在客戶Winchester(巴基斯坦)The Chinese Air Force will be the biggest c工作台厂家ustomero it can do even without the export ordersPakistan will surely go for itome countries in South Americaalso Egypt is a potential customerCan t see U.S.A providing them with the same level of tech as they have provided the Israelis中國空軍是最大的客戶即使沒有出口訂單也行巴基斯坦确定會買就是瞭還有南美的一些國傢埃及也是潛在客戶BoQ77(越南)If J-31 is a good aircraft, it would create its own market.But it need proving the ability first.殲31是不錯的戰機,能夠树立起屬於自己的市場不過得先證明本人的才能BoQ77(越南)China is clever. They want others to pay for their development phase and prototypes.o they tried marketing even incomplete equipment.always.中國是聰明的,他們盼望其余國傢為他們的研發費用和樣機買單所以他們甚至用不完全的裝備來試水市場


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